Lissa McGraw

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Lissa McGraw is the proud and blessed owner of Espirit Colon Hydrotherapy and Wellness Center.  Espirit began as a means for Lissa to heal herself after years of misery from digestive issues that compromised her joy for life.  Through dietary changes, eliminating certain life stressors and incorporating colon therapy into her monthly regime, she can now share with others what she learned through her own journey to health.  She believes wholeheartedly that without colon therapy she would not be the happy, healthy individual she is today. Lissa has a great deal of compassion for those dealing with constipation, hemorrhoids, gas, bloating, cellulite, headaches and other digestive disorders.  Having dealt with many of these same issues herself, she has helped those clients that have found their way to Espirit.  Lissa is an IACT certified colon hydrotherapist, bioelectric lymphatic drainage therapist, certified in administering additives (with a doctor prescription), trained in aromatherapy, a Reiki master, and a Vibrational Sound therapist.  She is always looking for the next great service to bring to Espirit to further help her clients.  Lissa is also blessed with the beautiful and caring women that work as therapists at her center.  She surrounds herself with like-minded individuals that have been called to the field of healing and has great love and trust for those employed at Espirit.  Her hope is that all people that are frustrated with feeling miserable or who are just wanting to cleanse their bodies, make their way into Espirit where they will feel loved and supported.  She welcomes all to experience the joy of colon hydrotherapy!


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Hi! I’m Nicole! Living with chronic illness has motivated me to seek out alternative ways to support my body. Colonics have been life changing for me and they have been one of the tools that has helped me in my healing. I’ve had digestive issues for many years. My body does not detox well and the services at Espirit have helped alleviate the symptoms of my Lyme Disease.  I can’t imagine living my life without colonics and I’m happy to say that I’ve been inspired by the other therapists at Espirit to want to provide guidance to others.  

Heidi parres


Heidi Parres has always led a healthy lifestyle including running, weight training, yoga, and proper nutrition. However, she was still struggling daily with constipation and lethargy. Her life was full of stress from work and the endless anxiety from fighting digestive issues. Nothing seemed to relieve the symptoms so she explored colon hydrotherapy to see if it would provide her some relief. What she didn't realize is that it would completely change her life! She lost the 10lbs that wouldn't budge, it increased her energy and freed her of digestive pain. That excitement inspired her to commit to a career change to help others improve their health and create overall wellness. Heidi understands what you are struggling with and is empathetic to the suffering that toxic build up and lifestyle stresses can cause. She is committed to getting you closer to living a healthier and renewed life.

Cristina (Crissy) Kilgore

Cristina’s own personal healing journey and the success she experienced and continues to experience, is what brought her to the profession of colon hydrotherapy. As an I-ACT Certified therapist, she is here to assist you with compassion and respect on your healing journey.

Cristina has a Master’s in education in addition to a background in fitness, nutrition and counseling. She can be utilized as a great resource and coach. Vibrational sound healing and Reiki have been implemented into her sessions with clients.

The ability to share this modality with the surrounding community brings her joy and excitement. It is a rewarding experience to assist those choosing colon hydrotherapy as a tool on their very own healing journey. 

1535 E. MAIN ST. VENTURA, CA. 93001
