

The Soul Sound Sisters sound bath was our first sound bath and it was really like nothing my boyfriend and I have ever experienced.  We talked about it for weeks after.  I have done sound baths since then but truly none have really compared to the experience the Soul Sound Sisters provide.  They bring such kind, interesting people together with their warm, gentle, and welcoming energy.   The peace I felt for days after was amazing.  I am so grateful to have found such a safe space to share.  It has greatly changed me and the course of my healing journey.  

Thank you, Soul Sound Sisters!!

Michele D., Ventura



Thank you for helping me through my first/baseline colonoscopy. I was so worried but it turned out to be a positive experience for me and you had a lot to do with that. You and I talked a lot about me NOT drinking The Drink. But, me being me, I have to "feel it-see it-prove it" to myself. I’m very stubborn that way. So I did end up drinking some of The Drink. It turned out that I didn’t really need to.  

I feel like the 3 colonics in the 3 days before my procedure was just right for me. And each day I really looked forward to going to Espirit where it’s cozy, warm and full of positive energy.  

The other thing I did was schedule an essential oil treatment with Dawn the afternoon before the procedure. This was my second experience and both times I slept a deep, restful and peaceful sleep. It’s amazing how relaxed and good I felt the morning of. 

I have some tips and more details if anyone is interested. I would encourage everyone to take more control and don’t let them tell you, "You have to drink this to clean yourself out." You don't. 

I believe the benefits of colonics out weigh drinking "The Drink".
• Colonic=Hydrating  Drinking "The Drink"=Dehydrating
• No gurgling cramping tummies with colonics.
• No need to stay by your bathroom or wake up 'cuz you gotta go!
• No smell with colonics.
• Everyone says the drink makes them sick and I have to imagine that detoxing over night has to be part of it.

Have on hand the days prior:
• Soups - They are filling and healthy. Whole Foods & Lassen’s makes it really easy.
• Healthy favorites that are quick exit foods such as avocado, fruits and veggies.
• Fresh coconut water from the nut, not the bottle. Guess what?  It’s a clear liquid! It saved me the morning of, and, it's a better hydrator than the recommended Gatoraide. I was feeling lightheaded the morning of and instantly after drinking the coconut water I felt amazing.

Lastly, if you feel you have to drink the poison: cocktail glass, big cocktail ice cube & fresh squeezed lemon wedges." Sheri N.

"When my mom had asked me if I wanted to get a colonic from Lissa I was a little hesitant. I had received a colonic one time previously, from a different person, and the experience was not what I would describe as comfortable. Despite my previous experience, I thought I would give Lissa a try because I know how beneficial colonics are for your body. 

I arrived at Lissa's spa a little nervous and anxious but once I entered my feelings were immediately alleviated. The way the spa is set up is relaxing and very comfortable. Lissa was very thorough in explaining the process and the feelings that my body would be going through. I began to relax and get excited about how I was going to feel afterwards! Lissa provides everything you need: a fresh clean robe, socks, and a restroom! I was so excited that my colon was going to be clean of all of the months of cafeteria and late night snacking food that I had been bingeing on in college. 

I didn't know this, but food actually gets stuck or caught in your colon and can't escape. It just sits and sits and sits there...especially pork! After learning this I wanted to get started right away. The colonic commenced! The feelings were somewhat odd but I knew what to expect. There was the filling of water and then there would be a little pressure. The pressure felt like I had to go number two, but it wasn't a scary feeling because I knew Lissa had it under control. 

Next came the release. This felt great! It felt like a breath of fresh air or a relieving sigh for my whole body. I urge you to get two colonics back to back. Come back the next day and get a second one. I was planning on just getting one, but there isn't much movement during the first colonic. This is because all of that food has just been sitting there and isn't planning on moving. Also, your body is not used to having water your colon filled with water. 

However, when you come for the second colonic EVERYTHING gets moving. It's amazing! You can literally see all of the chunks of food that have been sitting in your colon. Once the second colonic was over I felt like a completely new person. It is such a physical, mental, and emotional release. It was an amazing and addicting feeling. The bloating around my tummy was completely gone!! Food tasted better and I felt so healthy and refreshed. I plan to get a colonic from Lissa every time I'm home from school. I am so glad I decided to go to Lissa! Thank you!" Alex J. 

"I want to start off by letting everyone know how great Lissa is! She is one of my most loved friends...a very true and loyal person. When she believes in something she likes to bring in the world to share with everyone what she has learned. When I found out she was going to begin giving colonics, being the health freak I am, I was so excited to get in. I had never had one before but I was so ready to get detoxed!

My experience with Lissa and her lovely, welcoming Spa was so comfortable...nothing about the session was disturbing or uncomfortable. After giving me a tour of the instrument and explaining how it would be administered, I got into a fresh robe with no underwear and laid down on the bed. Lissa is so professional there was nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about...I rolled over, the tube went in and then she fills you with H2O and you either have the waste go through the tube or you get a little cramping and may be the type who releases in the toilet. 

It feels great! I felt light, clear headed, and even lost 5 pounds! My situation was more complex that most. I had gotten hurt and was on prescription medication for awhile...I had not had a bowel movement for 5 months. I signed up for 5 sessions and have had 3 done. So to let everyone know, lets live to enjoy our retirement. Lets get all the toxins out, sign up for sessions today! I love Lissa and her amazing spa. Enjoy." Ana C.

Thank you Lissa for helping me through the healing process. I am a nurse who was diagnosed with Lymphoma in 2011. Being in the medical field, I know the first answer to treat something is to prescribe a drug. I learned that on a first hand basis during my treatment for cancer. Chemo, radiation and many immune suppressing drugs wrecked havoc on my GI system. I saw a GI specialist who again wanted to prescribe a drug to treat my symptoms. I decided not to continue and seek out a more natural approach. I saw Lissa's ad in a Ventura County Health and Exercise magazine. I'm so glad I took this route because the colonic routine Lissa made for me has completely cured my symptoms. Her bubbly and caring personality and excitement for what she does makes you feel comfortable and at ease. I am so thankful!" Jessica

"FINALLY -Most of us don't realize the benefits of a colonic. We tend to shy away from anything that is different, foreign, scary especially when someone you know is going to stick a plastic tube into you. 

Well, my best friend Lissa is amazing! If I could afford it I would have a colonic every day of my life........ The results are different for everyone but the most important thing to remember is even if you don't have a great colonic, you are hydrating your colon. Your colon is part of your body that most of us don't even think about what we are eating and how it affects our colon. 

No matter if you are healthy and fit or struggling with your weight a colonic is one of the best things you can do for your body.......Try it! Trust me you will be amazed to see what comes out of your body. I am always in shock to see my results." Lynn Gardner 

“Here are the things I love about Lissa McGraw and her business, Espirit Colon Hydrotherapy:

The environment is clean, beautiful, relaxing and welcoming, and her staff are friendly and helpful.

Lissa is a consummate professional at what she does. I can’t imagine anyone making this experience easier or more comfortable, even enjoyable. Her positive attitude, great skill, and loving personality shine through, and set one right at ease. 

She offers good cleansing and health advice freely. I’ve used her liver-gallbladder flush, in conjunction with her colonics, with excellent results!

I know I’m adding quality years onto my life by being a return client there.

I recommend Lissa and Espirit Colon Hydrotherapy unconditionally!” David Harris

"Espirit is such a special place! I’m a 24-year-old college student and I’ve been getting colonics at Espirit for four years. I go to Lissa, the owner, and she is one of the most beautiful people, inside and out. Beyond the colonic alone, her energy work and knowledge of pressure points on the body help to get more of a release in the colonic.

Espirit is also a beautiful spa environment! There are essential oils burning, dimly lit candles, and calming music in every room. Colonics shouldn't feel like a procedure. They should feel like you are going for a spa day and that’s exactly what Espirit offers. The staff is wonderful and very welcoming.

If you haven’t had a colonic before and you experience bloating, constipation, or digestive upset, DEFINITELY go to Espirit because you will feel a million times better! I personally struggle with major digestive issues and have a ton of food sensitivities and allergies. Colonics have helped ease my symptoms and I can’t imagine living without them now. It’s a great idea to buy a series and do a couple of colonics in a row or even just a monthly colonic because you will see better results the more you go. 

Here are some tips I’ve learned too: I always try to fast or eat light the entire day because I personally get the best results when I feel as empty as possible. Drink lots of water the few days before and eat foods that you know your body likes and reacts well to. It's a good idea to drink smoothies, green juices, and lemon water the day before. I take ColonMax, which is a supplement that Lissa sells, and that works wonders for keeping yourself regular." 

Harmony H. 

1535 E. MAIN ST. VENTURA, CA. 93001
